Bronze statuette of a runner in a starting position

Bronze inscribed statuette of a runner. The runner is represented in a starting position, with both arms outstretched forward and the right arm slightly bent. The left leg is projected with the heel raised, which indicates that the athlete has just started. The right foot rests firmly on the ground and on the outer surface of the thigh bears the engraved inscription: “ΤΟΔΙFΟΣΙΜΙ” (= I BELONG TO ZEUS). This is an offering of a winner of the pentathlon in the sanctuary of Olympia.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia
  • Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity, inv. n. B 26
  • Ca 490 BC
  • H. 0.10 m.
  • Bronze
  • Provenance: Olympia, Altis (coppersmith workshop)