
The supreme patron-god

Zeus, the supreme god of the Olympian pantheon, was son of Cronos, who swallowed his children on birth to prevent them from overthrowing him. Zeus opposed his father, whom he defeated in wrestling at Olympia, thereby establishing the Olympic Games. His temple dominated the Altis since the Classical period.

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Statue of Zeus or Poseidon from Artemision

Monumental statue of a god depicted in full nudity. The figure is shown striding firmly and stretching his arms in order to balance the power of the blow he is about to deliver.

Head of Zeus

The head has long and thick hair that tied with a cord on the head is resolved into long waves, while is brushed up over the forehead in a typical «anastole» (a quiff of the hair brushed upward).

Ankle-shaped bronze weight with engraved inscription “ΔΙΟΣ” (for Zeus)

Bronze weight in the shape of an “ankle”, with the inscription “ΔΙΟΣ”, leftwards.