Statue of a Kouros

Votive statue of a kouros. The legs, from the knees down are missing. The kouros stands on his right leg and thrusts the left leg slightly forward. The volumes of the body and muscles are well modelled, while the arms, which move forward, free from the body, are attached to the thighs by small supports. The hair, tied with a ribbon, hangs on the back in long beaded tresses and sits in shell-like curls above the forehead. The young man’s face, with the big, almond-shaped eyes, is enlightened by the archaic smile.

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. NAM Γ 12
  • Ca 520 BC
  • H. 1.60 m.
  • Island marble
  • Provenance: Found in the Sanctuary of Apollo on Mount Ptoon in Boeotia.
  • Richter, G. (1960). Kouroi. Archaic Greek Youths, 122, fig. 425-429, London: Phaidon Press.
  • Floren, J. (1987). Die griechische Plastik Ι, 315. München.