Marble, funerary stele of a young athlete with his tutor

Marble, funerary stele of a young athlete. A young man is standing, holding a strigil in his right hand and an aryballos or sphere in his left. Naked, facing towards the viewer, weight placed on one leg, while the other is loose (contrapposto), he is depicted as a prematurely lost hero. A bearded, old man, in himation, tutor or slave, is standing by his side, leaning on a stick and carrying the young athlete’s himation over his left shoulder. Worn, illegible inscription at the bottom. Work of an attic workshop.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands
  • Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, inv. n. MP 3742
  • 1st half of the 4th cent. BC
  • Max. pres. h. 0.52 m. W. 0.34 m.
  • Marble, probably pentelic
  • Provenance: Glyfada, 32, I. Metaxa str. Found in 1972.
  • Γιαννοπούλου- Κονσολάκη, Ε. (1990). Γλυφάδα. Ιστορικό παρελθόν και μνημεία, 128-129, αρ. 27, εικ. 93, Αθήνα.
  • Clairmont, C. (1993). Classical attic tombstones, Vol. 2, pp. 377-378, no. 2362a., Kilchberg: Akanthus.
  • Σταϊνχάουερ, Γ. (2001). Το Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πειραιώς, σσ. 330, εικ. 439, Athens: Latsis Group. Retrieved from