Neck and rim of an attic red-figure volute krater with a palaestra scene

The neck of the vase is decorated with a multi-faceted scene of athletes in the palaestra. Eight mature men wearing himatia and holding gnarled sticks are interspersed among the youths, presumably the pedodribai who supervised and guided the young men in their training. One of the athletes is practicing the javelin, having already slipped his fingers through the ankyle, while two others are standing holding javelins as well. Two young men are cleaning their bodies with strigils, having apparently completed their exercise. Another youth is about to lay down his clothes on a nearby diphros (stool) in order to start his training; a second one, who has obviously just arrived, is still wearing his himation, while a third one offers to his trainer a hare, a typical love gift. The place of the palaestra is indicated by a column and the aryballos with the sponge, both of which are hanging on the dark background.

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  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. Ακρ. 758
  • Ca 470 BC
  • H. 0.10 m. Diam. of the rim 0.408 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Athenian Acropolis
  • Tzachou-Alexandri. Ο, (Ed.), (1989). Mind and Body. Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece in E. Kakarouga-Stassinopoulou, pp. 161, no 47, Athens: Ministry of Culture, National Hellenic Committee I.C.O.M.
  • Kaltsas, N. (ed.), (2004). Agon. National Archaeological Museum 15 July – 31 October 2004, 143, no 34, (Ε. Kakarouga-Stassinopoulou), Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.