Marble tile from the Temple of Zeus

Marble tile from the temple of Zeus. In later times, it was given the shape of a pediment stele with antefixes, and was re-used to mention the names of those working in the Olympic Sanctuary between the 188th and 189th Olympiad. According to other similar inscriptions, the staff of the sanctuary consisted of priests, oracles, cooks, interpreters (guides), doctors etc.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia
  • Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity, inv. n. L 535
  • 28 – 24 BC
  • H. 0.61 m. W. 0.42 m.
  • Marble
  • Provenance: Olympia, Altis
  • Dittenberger, W. & Purgold, K. (1966). Die Inschriften von Olympia, Olympia V, pp. 148-150, doi: 10.11588/diglit.2020.
  • Βαλαβάνης, Π. (2004). Ιερά και Αγώνες στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα. Ολυμπία, Δελφοί, Ισθμία, Νεμέα, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Καπόν.  