Eu Agonizesthai (Fair Play)

The Eleans turned out to be excellent organizers, worthy of the fame and significance of the Olympic Games. The rules regulated the competitions and ensured the smooth operation of the sanctuary and the unhindered conduct of the Games.

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Marble tile from the Temple of Zeus

Marble tile from the temple of Zeus. In later times, it was given the shape of a pediment stele with antefixes, and was re-used to mention the names of those working in the Olympic Sanctuary between the 188th and 189th Olympiad. According to other similar inscriptions, the staff of the sanctuary consisted of priests, oracles, cooks, interpreters (guides), doctors etc.

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Bronze plaque inscribed with a fragmentary text related to the rules of the Olympic Games

This inscription, one of the earliest Elean examples, bears testimony to the functioning of the Olympic Games in the late 6th c. BC.

The text formed part of a set of competition rules, of which two at least concerned wrestling. The inscription aims to prevent any violation by the athlete and the judge, so that the former is protected from possible bias against him and the latter from any attempt at corruption. It is possible that similar plaques applied to the other categories of athletes or only to the rest of the heavy sports, as it appears that a number of general rules.

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