Votive relief

The relief depicts a nude youth, turning to the left. His hair, tied with a ribbon, hang wavily on his neck. With his right hand, he is crowning himself by placing a metal wreath on his head, which was attached to the holes seen on his hair. The relief is probably the votive of a winner of the naval contests with triremes (ancient warships), which took place, since the 5th c. BC, during the Athenian festival of Panathenaia, at Piraeus and Sounion.

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. NAM Γ 3344
  • Ca 460 BC
  • H. 0.61 m. W. 0.495 m.
  • Pentelic marble
  • Provenance: Sounion, near the temple of Athena
  • Lullies, R. & Hirmer, M. (1960). Greek Sculpture, pp.70-71, pl. 96, London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Ridgway, B. S. (1970). The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture, pp. 49-50, fig.70, Princeton: Princeton University Press.