Bronze wreath with leaves and part of an olive branch

Eighteen bronze olive leaves and part of an olive branch, composing a bronze wreath. It is one of many other similar objects dedicated to the sanctuary of Zeus. The olive leaves, either individual or as parts of an olive branch, were votive offerings to Zeus. Some of the leaves have the inscription "ΔΙΟΣ" (ZEUS) engraved on them.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia
  • Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity, inv. n. Br 12132, Br. 0505, B 6435, Br 0510
  • Classic period
  • Br 12132 L. max. 0.22 m. W. max. 0.069 m. Th. 0.014 m.
  • Br. 0505 L. 0.112 m. W. max. 0.034 m. Th. 0.003 m.
  • B 6435 L. max 0.121 m. W. max. 0.029 m. Th. 0.002 m.
  • Br 0510 L. max 0.094 m. W. max. 0.025 m. Th. 0.002 m.
  • Bronze
  • Provenance: Olympia - Altis