Grave relief of an ephebe

Marble grave relief representing an ephebe bearing a himation and prizes in sports competitions. An amphora is depicted on the right and a bough of a palm tree on the left, on which there is a wreath, all of them symbols of victory. The plaque retains traces of color. Below the representation, is an inscription reading the names of the deceased and his mother, who founded the monument. They both were Roman citizens:

«Εἰγνατία Κλαυδίῳ
Οὐάλητι τῷ τέκνῳ
 μνήμης χάριν.»
speak icon
  • Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, inv. n. ΜΘ 1213
  • Ca 3rd c. AD
  • H. 0.39 m. W. 2.75 m.
  • Marble
  • Provenance: Thessaloniki, Mevle – Hane
  • IG X, II 1, *729.
  • Despinis, G., Stefanidou-Tiveriou, Th. & Voutiras. E. (Eds). (2003). Catologue of Sculpture of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, ΙΙ, Cat. No 320, Thessaloniki.
  • Smith, R.R.R., (1998). Cultural choice and political identity in honorific portrait statues in the Greek East in the 2nd c. A.C., JRS 88, pp. 63, 65-66.
  • Van Nijf, O. (1999). Athletics, festivals and Greek identity in the Roman East, PCPS- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 45, pp. 190-193.