Inscribed cylindrical altar

Small cylindrical dedicatory altar bearing the inscription:

τῇ Νείκῃ
μετὰ ΣΥΝ

Karpion offers this votive offering to Nike, probably as a thanks for his victory in a contest and after a fulfillment of a vow, as the word "εὐχήν" indicates. The goddess Nike as a personification of the idea of victory is often praised by ancient writers, while votive offerings to her are testified in several inscriptions of Greece and Asia Minor. In Attic inscriptions the epithet Nike is attributed to the goddess Athena.

speak icon
  • Athens, Epigraphic Museum, inv. n. EM 137
  • Ca 2nd c. AD
  • H. 0.22 m. Diam 0.15 – 0.17 m.
  • Pentelic Marble
  • Provenance: Athens, Temple of Zeus Olympios
  • Attic Inscriptions On Line
  • IG II24794 = IG II34.1, 620.
  • IG II34 620.
  • Νικολαΐδης, Γ. (1990) ΠΑΕ, 30.
  • Schörner, G. (2003). Votive in Römischen Griechenland, Untersuchungen zur späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Kunst- und Religionsgeschichte, Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 7, no. 58, Stuttgart.
  • Threatte, L. (1980). The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions, Vol. I, 199-201 & Vol. 2, 7, Berlin - N. York: De Gruyter.