Inscribed dedicatory monument of a winner in equestrian contests

Inscribed rectangular statue base, where a six-line inscription is preserved:

δόξα μὲν Ἑλλήνων ἱεροῖς ἀναθήμασιν αὔξει
τόνδε, τέχνης δ’ εἰκὼν ἥδε δίδωσ[ι] κρίσιν̣.
νικήσας δὲ ἵππων τε δρόμοις ἔργων τε ἐν ἁμίλλα[ις] τὴν ἱερὰν στεφανοῖ
πατρίδα Κεκροπίαν.

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Ἰλίεια Κλάρια Ἐφέσει[α]
συνωρίδ[ι] ἵππωι ἵππω[ι].

A lost today, statue is dedicated by a winner athlete and sculptor. According to the inscription, the dedicator won in a horse race and a sculpture competition. The sculptor name has not been preserved and would have been written above the epigram. In the inscription is mentioned that the votive offerings increased the reputation of the dedicator among the Greeks and the statue is a proof of his art. The names of the three races in which the athlete won, the συνωρίς, a chariot race with a pair of horses, and horse races, are following.

speak icon
  • Athens, Epigraphic Museum, inv. n. EM 8798
  • End of 4th c. BC – beginning of 3rd c. BC
  • H. 0.20 m. W. 0,545 m. Th. 0.20 m.
  • Pentelic marble
  • Provenance: Athens, Adrianou street
  • Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO).
  • Davies, J. (1971). Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC., 595, D 21, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • IG II23138= ΙG II/III34,1, 590.
  • Κουμανούδης, Στ. (1883). ΑΕ, σσ. 22- 24.
  • Hansen, Μ.P. (1983/89) Carmina Epigraphica Graeca II, no.778, 190.
  • Moretti, L. (1953). Iscrizioni agonistiche greche, pp. 161, 212- 213, Roma: A. Signorelli.