Stone base with foot of a bronze statue of an athlete

Athlete statue base, winner of competitions. On the upper surface is preserved the right foot of the bronze statue set to the plinth with lead. Probably it belonged to the well-known athlete named Kapros (boar), wrestler and pancratist. In the middle of the width of the base is kept an ancon (a projecting boss) that was obviously used for its lifting and placement. In the position of the left foot, the mortise for the reception of the heel is saved. The layout shows a strong movement that betrays a winner statue in the pancratium or the fight.

It was found approximately in the area of the sanctuary where Pausanias (Olympia-Altis, VI, 15, 10) saw two statues of the Elean Kapros, son of Pythagoras, who took the crown of victory the same day for wrestling and pancratium, during the one hundred and forty-second Olympiad (212 BC) defeating the Theban Kleitomachos.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia
  • Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity, inv. n. Br 2772+ M 889 + K 1068
  • End of the 3rd c. BC
  • H. of base 0.162 m. W. of base 0.652 m.
  • L. of leg 0.295 m. W. of leg 0.115 m. Th. of leg 0.004 – 0.005 m.
  • Bronze and limestone
  • Provenance: Olympia, Altis
  • Furtwängler, A. (1890). Die Bronzen und die übrigen kleineren Funde von Olympia, Olympia IV 3.3α, pp. 11, pl. ΙΙΙ.
  • Παπαχατζής, Ν. (1982). Παυσανίου Ελλάδος περιήγησις. Μεσσηνιακά-Ηλιακά, σσ. 357, Αθήνα: Εκδοτική Αθηνών.