Βlack-figure amphora depicting an athletic victory celebration

The victorious wreathed athlete holds leaved branches in his hands and has victory ribbons tied to his arms. Beside him the herald proclaims his victory; small dots next to his open mouth denote his words. Behind the herald starts a grand procession, led by a flute-player, who is followed by five lyre-players. Between them, on the ground, are two hydrias, presumably the bronze prizes for the games that have preceded, and a little squatting boy.

Behind the last lyre-player stands an official holding a staff made of unworked wood with a curved handle, and one more flute-player.

The judge brings up the rear, carrying six large palm branches on his shoulder to present to the victor. Behind him, on the ground, is one more hydria-prize.

The official at the edge of the scene also holds six palm branches and leans on a staff.

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  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. Α 485
  • Ca 450 – 425 BC
  • Η. 0.257 m. Rim diam. 0.11 m. Diam. foot 0.1 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Piraeus (purchase)
  • Avronidaki, C. (2007). Βοιωτικά επινίκια: ο αμφορέας αρ. ευρ. 485 του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου, ΑΕphem, pp. 131-146.