Sherd of an Attic black-figure lebes depicting the funeral games in honor of Patroklos

On the sherd is depicted the four-horse chariot race at the funeral games for Patroklos, organized by Achilles.

The chariot is shown in flying gallop in front of stepped edifice, suggestive of an early Greek stadium, where the seated Achaeans spectators are vividly gesturing at its arrival.

The funeral games of Patroklos, as described by Homer (Iliad XXIII), were a prestigious series of athletic events, which is reflected in the original program of the earliest Olympic Games.

The vase was found near Pharsala, a city strongly connected to the Homeric tradition being the fatherland of the legendary Myrmidons, led by Achilles at the Trojan War.

The lebes is signed by Sophilos, the earliest attic vase painter known by his signature. Sophilos also tagged the scene with painted labels («ΠΑΤΡΟϘLYS ATLA»”=Games for Patroklos) before the edifice and «AXILES» (=Achilles) at its back.

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  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. A 15499
  • Ca 580 – 570 BC.
  • H. (preserved) 0.18 m. L.(preserved) 0.23 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Palaiokastro, Ampeleia near Pharsala (Thessaly)
  • Kaltsas, N. (eds.), (2008). Agon. The Spirit of Competition in Ancient Greece, 114 no. 12 (A. Gadolou), Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.
  • BAPD 305075.