Two sherds of an Attic black-figure lebes depicting the funeral games of Pelias

On one side, the wrestling-match between Peleus, king of Homeric Phthia and father of Achilles, and Atalante is depicted. The nude hero grasps Atalante tightly by the hand and has put his other arm firmly around her shoulders. Atalante, distinguished for her martial and athletic merits, was the only female among many men, during the funeral games organized by Akastos to honor his dead father, Pelias, king of Iolkos. Among the spectators, two women appear, together with many heroes holding spears; Damas, Kelaas, and Asterion are named.

On the second side, a large group of contestants compete in a javelin throw. On the left edge of the fragment, the hand of a contestant ready to throw his javelin is preserved. Below, the athlon (i.e. prize) appears: a tripod cauldron, suitably accompanied by the inscription lebes.

Several of the contestants are also named with inscriptions. They are Iphitos, Melanion, Kapaneus, Amphiaraos, and Periphas. The musical rhythm for the contest is provided by the flute-player Philombos, who stands between Amphiaraos and Kapaneus.

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. A 15147 (a) + A 15466 (b)
  • Ca 560 BC.
  • (a) L. 0.14 m. W. 0.09 m. (b) L. 0.20 m. W. 0.114 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Athenian Acropolis
  • Andreadaki-Vlazaki, Μ. & Balaska, Α. (2014). The Greeks: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great, pp. 269-270, no 274, (G. Kavvadias), Athens: Kapon Editions.
  • BAPD 1281.