Mosaic floor representing athletic and musical/drama competitions

Recovered in the modern city-centre of Patras, place of residence of the elite class in the Roman times. Two categories of contests are represented, which plausibly took place in the Stadium. Decorative patterns divide and frame the scenes. A poetry contest is depicted in the upper zone, with a flutist, a guitarist, and actors in formal wear, on either side of prizes upon a table. The lower zone features almost all kinds of athletes: torch-bearer, disc-thrower, jumpers, wrestlers, boxers, and a runner in full armour. Interesting among the figures is the precursor of a hockey player. Champions are distinct, due to the wreaths they bear and the palm branches they hold.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Achaea
  • Archaeological Museum of Patras, inv. n. 59
  • End of 2nd – early 3rd cent. AD
  • L. 6.03 m. H. 2.7 m.
  • Mosaic
  • Provenance: Patras, Psila Alonia
  • Kolonas, L. & Stavropoulou-Gatsi, M. (2017). Guide to the Patras Archaeological Museum, pp. 141-143, fig. 151, Athens: Archaeological Receipts and Expropriations Fund (ΤΑΠΑ).