Javelin throw

A pentathlon event that has its origins in the ekebolon, the ancient hand-thrown weapon used in hunting and at war. The athlete’s javelin consisted in a straight wooden shaft 1.5 to 2m long, corresponding approximately to the athlete’s height. Contrary to the ranged weapon, it did not feature a metal tip and, for safety reasons, lacked pointed ends. At the centre of gravity of the javelin shaft, the athlete secured a leather strap around 0.4m long, the so-called ankyle, a loop that improved the distance of the throw. He inserted his index and middle finger into the loop, pulled it and, after taking the proper position, hurled the javelin, thereby imparting greater impetus to the flight.

The event took place in the stadium, in front of an oblong triangular space within which the javelin had to fall, otherwise the attempt would be considered invalid. The javelin-thrower, after fixing the ankyle to his hand, started his run-up holding the javelin in a horizontal position next to his head. As he approached the balbis, the fixed point from which the javelin would be thrown, he slowed down, turned gently his head and body and threw the javelin as far as he could. The spot at which the javelin landed was marked with a peg or a small pit and then its distance from the balbis was measured.

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Attic red-figure lekythos with representation of a javelin thrower

A young athlete is preparing to throw the javelin. He has already slipped the index and the middle finger in the ankyle, i.e. the leather loop tied to the centre of gravity of the javelin, which he holds with the other hand from its end.

Attic red-figure lekythos with representation of a javelin thrower

A naked youth is preparing to throw the javelin. The figure has raised the javelin to a horizontal position next to his face, stepping steadily with his projecting left leg.

The Doryphoros of Messene, statue of a young nude athlete

The work is an excellent copy of Doryphoros of the Αrgive sculptor Polykleitos (450– 445 BC). The original work was the best example of the sculptor's art. In other words, it was the material incarnation of the Canon"or Rule, where the whole system of symmetry of the proportions of the human body was expressed.