Grave stele of a wrestler

Plain stele without a border, with the name of the deceased written on its upper part: “ΑΓΑΚΛΗΣ ΦΡΥ[ΝΙΧ]Ο” (Agakles, son of Phrynichos). Depiction of a mature aged, bearded, nude athlete, who is standing turned to the right. Both his legs are bent at the knee and the toes of his advanced left foot are touching the ground. Ηis arms are raised in front of his face, ready to confront his opponent. The strongly modelled muscles of the athlete’s body and his characteristic posture suggest that he has been a wrestler.

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  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. NAM Γ 2004
  • Ca 410 – 400 BC
  • H. 1.15 m. W. 0.64 m.
  • Pentelic marble
  • Provenance: Village of Hassani in Attica (SE of Athens).
  • Lippold, G., (1950). Die griechische Plastik, Handbuch der Archäologie III, Munich, 69.
  • Stupperich, R. (1977). Staatbegräbnis und Privatdenkmal im klassischen Athen, no. 11, Münster.