Base of a funerary kouros

The base is square and has a cavity on the top surface to receive the plinth of the funerary statue. The three visible sides have relief representations of the athletes’ training sessions, of their games and of leisure activities in the gymnasium. On the front there is a scene taking place in the palaestra; two nude wrestlers occupy the center ground. At the far left a jumper is about to take off for the jump and at the far right, another youth is holding a javelin. At the left side of the base, six naked athletes are depicted in a scene that has been interpreted as a team game with a ball, called episkyros. At the right side of the base, four young men appear, all wearing himatia. The two in the middle are sitting on stools facing each other; one has a dog on a lead, the other one a cat, setting them to fight. Two onlookers stand behind them watching the scene, which is presumably set in the changing rooms, while the athletes were resting.

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum inv. n. NAM Γ 3476
  • Ca 510 BC
  • H. 0.29 m. L. 0.79 m.
  • Pentelic marble
  • Provenance: Athens, Kerameikos
  • Aurenhammer, J.M. (1980). Figürliche griechische Basisreliefs, 344 no. 3, Wien.
  • Mosel, J. (1935). Studien zu den beiden archaischen Reliefbasen von Kerameikos, Hildesheim.
  • Stewart, A. (1990). Greek Sculpture, An Exploration, pp. 122, fig. 138-140, N. Haven - London: Yale University Press.