Honorary inscription of an anonymous athlete

Inside twelve relief olive wreaths are written the games in which the honoured athlete won. His name is not preserved in the inscription, however it is mentioned that he won boxing and pankration games, a combination of free wrestling and boxing. Remains of two more wreaths can be discerned on the left side.

On the inscription are mentioned the In city Pytheia, that were held at Megara to honour god Apollo, as well as three local games held during religious rituals in Boeotia, i.e. the Erotideia in honor of god Eros, the Herakleia in the city of Thebes and the Amphiaraia in Oropos.

The Romaia organized in Chalkis and the Eleutheria in Larissa, both athletic events with political significance and broad participation from many areas, are also mentioned.

The organizing cities of the three remaining festivals stated in the inscription are uncertain, namely the Homoloia, of Thebes or Orchomenos, the Heraia, probably of Argos, and the Herophaneia, that are only attested here.

This honorary inscription demonstrates the great appreciation for the victorious athletes.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquity of West Attica
  • Archaeological Museum of Megara, inv. n. 111
  • Beginning of the 1st century BC
  • H. 0.34 m. L. 1.16 m. W. 0.3 m.
  • Marble
  • Provenance: Megara, Found in the middle of the 19th century
  • G VII 48.
  • Knoepfler, D. (1997). in Nomen Latinum. Mélanges de langues, de littérature et de civilisation latines offerts au professor André Schneider. pp. 35-36, Genève: Neuchâtel : Faculté de lettres.
  • Manieri, A. (Ed), (2009). Agoni poetico-musicali nella Grecia antica. 1. Beozia, pp. 182, 215, 341-346, Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra editore.
  • Rigsby, K.J. (1987). GRBS - Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 28, pp. 93-102.