The statue of Agias from the sculptural group-votive offering of Daochos

Marble statue of the pankratiast Agias. The weight of the nude athlete is borne by the right leg. The face with the idealized features is dominated by the deep-set eyes, the wide nose and the fleshy lips. The hair is short and curly.

The statue comes from a sculptural group, an ex-voto of Daochos to Apollo. According to the inscription on the monument’s base, this figure is identified as Agias, great-grandfather of Daochos, who was victor in the Pythian, the Olympic and other games. The work is considered a probable copy of a bronze statue of Agias in Pharsala, work of Lysippos.

speak icon
  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Phocis
  • Archaeological Museum of Delphi, inv. n. 1875
  • 339 – 334 BC
  • H. 1.98 m.
  • Marble
  • Provenance: Delphi, sanctuary of Apollo
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