Panathenaic amphora

On one side is depicted Athena Promachos turning right. She is flanked by two columns surmounted by an illustration of the sculptural group of Eirene and Ploutos —a work by Cephisodotus. Along each column, an inscription is written from top to bottom, Ἄρχων Καλλιμήδης and τῶν Ἀθήνηθεν ἄθλων respectively. The other side is occupied by a pankration match supervised by the brabeus (adjudicator) on the left, and a female figure on the right, possibly a symbolic personification. Above the athletes, flies Nike ready to crown the victor with the garlands she carries.

The pankration was one of the heavy events of the nude competitions (gymnikoi agones) and combined wrestling with boxing. In the vase, one of the pankration holds is captured. Right before that, the athlete on the right would have attempted to kick his opponent (Pollux, 3.150: λὰξ ἐνάλλεσθαι), who, nonetheless, avoided the blow and succeeded in knocking him down.

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  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. NAM Α 20045
  • Ca 360 – 357 c. BC
  • H. 0.735 m. Capacity: 40.7 lt.
  • Provenance: Eretria
  • Βαλαβάνης, Π. (1991). Παναθηναϊκοί αμφορείς από την Ερέτρια : συμβολή στην αττική αγγειογραφία του 4ου π.Χ., αρ. Κ4, πίν. 11, 26-27, 40-41, 45-47, Αθήνα : Η εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία.
  • BAPD 31339
  • Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή, Ο. (επιμ.), (1989). Το Πνεύμα και το Σώμα. Οι Αθλητικοί Αγώνες στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα: κατάλογος έκθεσης, Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο 15 Μαϊου 1989-15 Ιανουαρίου 1990, 289-290, αρ. 178 (Π. Βαλαβάνης). Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού / Ελληνικό Τμήμα I.C.O.M.