Attic black-figured votive plaque

Two young riders dressed in short chitons. They trot calmly in parade, as they have conquered victory in an equestrian event. It is possible that on the occasion of this victory, the plaque was devoted on the Acropolis, as the suspension holes indicate, near the upper edge of the object.

speak icon
  • National Archaeological Museum, inv. N. Α 18017 (=Akr. 2544)
  • Ca. 550-540 B.C. Close to the early works of Exekias
  • H. 0.1 m.W. 0.13 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: The Athenian Acropolis
  • BAPD 8870
  • Karoglou, Κ. (2010). Attic Pinakes. Votive Images in Clay, 71-72 no. 19, fig. 80. , Oxford: Oxford: BAR-British Archaeological Reports.