Mould of relief hemispherical vase (drinking cup/skyphos)

A narrative representation with a depiction of charioteer on two-horses chariots (synorides) develops around the vase.

The chariot races with synorides (two- horses chariots) were established at the 93rd Olympic Games in 408 BC.

Unlike the other Olympic Games, the charioteers did not participate naked, probably for safety reasons due to the dust that was rising as well as to avoid abrasions during the collisions of the chariots with each other or against the walls. The drivers wore a long garment (xystis) with long sleeves and a belt.

Women could not participate in or attend the Olympic Games, with the exception of equestrian competitions, where they were allowed to participate as horse owners, not riders; thus a woman could compete through a male charioteer.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella
  • Archaeological Museum of Pella, inv. n. 81/113
  • Early 1st c. BC
  • Η. 0.097 m. Diam. 0.167 m. Diam. base 0.075 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Agora (marketplace) of ancient Pella, east portico
  • Ακαμάτης, I.M. (1993). Πήλινες μήτρες αγγείων από την Πέλλα. Συμβολή στη μελέτη της ελληνιστικής κεραμικής, σσ. 274-277, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΤΑΠΑ.
  • Lillibaki-Akamati, M., Akamatis, Ι.Μ., Chrysostomou, Α. & Chrysostomou, P. (2011). The Archaeological Museum of Pella, pp. 91, Athens: John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.