Base of a statue

Rectangular base. The cavities on the top surface were probably to receive a statue dedicated to the gods by a victorious athlete in a chariot race. In the front of the base there is a depiction of a tripod at the left (the big bronze vase, which served as a prize in athletic contests). Next to it, there is a four-horse chariot with galloping horses, depicted with a charioteer, who is probably the Goddess Nike (the personification of victory).

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. NAM Γ 2784
  • 2nd half of the 4th century BC
  • H. 0.31 m. L. 0.95 m. W. 0.5 m.
  • Marble
  • Provenance: Athens
  • Kaltsas, N. (2001). Sculpture in the National Archaeological Museum, 222, cat. no. 461, Athens: Kapon Editions.
  • Reisch, E. (1890). Griechische Weihgeschenke, 50, Leipzig.