Foot racing events

The footrace was the earliest and most significant event —in fact, it was the sole event performed in the first 14 Olympiads. It is rooted in people’s daily performance in this form of physical exercise. It did not require any special infrastructure or equipment; however, it gave rise to the form which the stadiums, where the event was staged, and the training area of the gymnasia gradually assumed. The fact that each Olympiad was named after the victor in the stadion (stadionikes) is indicative of the great importance attached to the race.

Runners competed nude, barefoot and covered in oil.

The running events of the ancient Olympic Games were the following:

1. Dromos or Stadion: it was a sprint, one stadion in length —a unit that equalled 192.28 metres. It was also one of the five events of the Pentathlon.
2. Diaulos: A full-speed double-stadion race, 384.56 metres long.
3. Dolichos: Endurance race, 24 stadia long that equalled 4,614.62 metres. It is associated with the heralds of the Sacred Truce, the spondophoroi, or with the hemerodromoi or the dromokerykes who ran across the country carrying announcements or messages.
4. Hoplitodromos: Runners competed carrying a shield, called hoplon. The hoplitodromos concluded the Games, as it was the last race to be held in the evening of the fourth day. According to Pausanias, 25 identical shields were kept in the temple of Zeus or at the Heraion that were given to the hoplite runners so as to compete on an equal footing.

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Attic black-figure skyphos depicting runners

Both sides of the vase depict three naked youths running, flanked by two spectators or judges. The wide stride of the athletes, the leaning forward of their bodies, and their widely extended arms suggest that they are competing in the stadion, i.e. the sprint race.

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Attic black figure kylix with depiction of a runner

The tondo in the center of the vessel features a naked athlete running to the right turning his head to the left. The large stride of the figure and the dynamic movement of the hands indicate participation in a speed race, the stadion or diaulos.

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Amphora with scene of dolichos race

Intact attic black-figure pseudo-panathenaic amphora with scene of dolichos race event. On the one side is depicted goddess Athena Promachos wearing a crested helmet, holding spear and shield bearing an emblem of two dolphins.

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Grave relief of a running warrior

The slab depicts a nude warrior, wearing an Attic helmet and running to the right in the “race in heavy armor”, with bent knees and both hands held in front of his chest.

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