Grave relief of a running warrior

The slab depicts a nude warrior, wearing an Attic helmet and running to the right in the “race in heavy armor”, with bent knees and both hands held in front of his chest. His head is turned sideways and behind. His carefully combed hair forms shell-like curls above the forehead and braided pigtails hanging at his temple and his neck. The relief was probably part of a funerary monument.

speak icon
  • Athens, National Archaeological Museum, inv. n. Γ 1959
  • Ca 500 BC
  • H. 1.02 m. W. 0.73 m.
  • Parian marble
  • Provenance: Athens
  • Robertson, Μ. (1975). A History of Greek Art, pp. 111-112, 135, pl. 316, London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Floren, J. (1987). Die griechische Plastik I, Die geometrische und archaische Plastik, pp. 292, pl. 26,1, München.