Amphora with scene of dolichos race

Intact attic black-figure pseudo-panathenaic amphora with scene of dolichos race event. On the one side is depicted goddess Athena Promachos wearing a crested helmet, holding spear and shield bearing an emblem of two dolphins. The deity is flanked by two columns crowned with cockerels. Between the figure of Athena and the left column there is the inscription “ΚΑΛΕ” (handsome). On the other side is depicted a long distance race (dolichos race), showing three athletes running to the right with open stride.

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  • Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese
  • Rhodes Archaeological Museum, inv. n. 13281
  • Ca 500 BC
  • H. 0.34 m. Rim diam.: 0.13 m. Base diam. 0.11 m.
  • Clay
  • Provenance: Kamiros, Makri Langoni, Tomb 182
  • Νικολάου, Ν. & Φιλήμονος-Τσοποτού, M. (2004). Άθλα εκ Ρόδου, Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών Δωδεκανήσου, ΚΒ΄ΕΠΚΑ, σσ. 34.
  • Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή, O. et al. (1989),Το Πνεύμα και το Σώμα. Οι Αθλητικοί Αγώνες στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα, σσ. 248-249, αρ. 141, Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού – Ελληνικό Τμήμα I.C.O.M.
  • Jacopi, G. (1931). Esplorazione Archeologica Di Camiro - I (scavi nelle necropolis camiresi 1929-1930), Clara Rhodos IV, pp. 133-134, fig. 128-130, Bergamo.
  • Jacopi, G. (1933) Rodi, Museo Archeologico dello Spedale dei Cavalieri di Rodi 1 [Italia 9], CVA(Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum), pl. 18,1-2 (Α), Milan and Rome: Bestetti and Tuminelli.