In the first 14 Olympiads, only the stadion, namely a running race 192.28m long, was held. Through the ages, the programme changed repeatedly and, in the heyday of the Games, during the Hellenistic period, it featured sixteen events.

Only freeborn Greek men, born to free parents were allowed to participate in the Games. Each event had its own rules; however, some of these rules were common, such as the observance of regulations, timely arrival and the prohibition of bribery.

In charge of the organization, the judgement and the compliance with the rules of conduct were the hellanodikai, who were elected by lot from the Elean citizens, undertaking an extensive task. In order to perform their duty, they were assisted by a group of functionaries consisting of the rabdouchoi (staff-bearers) or the mastigophoroi (whip-bearers) led by the alytarches.

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