

跳远运动员手里拿的壶铃通常由石头或铅制成,每只重1.5 - 2公斤。起跳时双脚并拢,落地时壶铃向后摆动起到平衡作用,避免运动员向前摔倒。训练有素的运动员单次跳远便可超过3米。


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  • 雅典市文物局
  • 雅典古市集博物馆,展品编号:P 1272
  • 公元前510年
  • 高:0.052米,边沿直径(含手柄)0.172米
  • 粘土
  • 展品出处:雅典古市集遗址
  • Matthieu, L., Dirk, De Clercq, & Willy, L. (2005). The ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘why’’ of the ancient Greek long jump with weights: A five-fold symmetric jump in a row?, Journal of Sports Sciences, October 2005, 23(10), pp. 1033 – 1043.
  • Moore, M, B. (1997). Attic Red-Figured and White-Ground Pottery. The Athenian Agora, Vol. 30, pp. iii–419, (no. 1571, pl. 148), The American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
  • Neils, J. & Stephen V. Tracy (2003). The Games at Athens, Vol. 25, Excavations of the Athenian Agora: Picture book, pp. 18, fig. 14, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens.